About your information
7 Pillars of Wellness Privacy Policy
1. Introduction
Our practice is committed to best practice in relation to the management of information we collect. This practice has developed a policy to protect patient privacy in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘the Privacy Act’). Our policy is to inform you of:
the kinds of information that we collect and hold, which, as a medical practice, is likely to be ‘health information’ for the purposes of the Privacy Act;
how we collect and hold personal information;
the purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information;
how you may access your personal information and seek the correction of that information;
how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with such a complaint;
whether we are likely to disclose personal information to overseas recipients;
2. What kinds of personal information do we collect?
The type of information we may collect and hold includes:
Your name, address, date of birth, email and contact details
Medicare number , DVA number and other government identifiers, although we will not use these for the purposes of identifying you in our practice
Other health information about you, including:
notes of your symptoms or diagnosis and the treatment given to you
your specialist reports and test results
your appointment and billing details
your prescriptions and other pharmaceutical purchases
your genetic information
your healthcare identifier
any other information about your race, sexuality or religion, when collected by a health service provider.
3. How do we collect and hold personal information?
We will generally collect personal information:
from you directly when you provide your details to us. This might be via a face to face discussion, telephone conversation, registration form or online form
from a person responsible for you
from third parties where the Privacy Act or other law allows it - this may include, but is not limited to: other members of your treating team, diagnostic centres, specialists, hospitals, the My Health Record system[1], electronic prescription services, Medicare, your health insurer, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
4. Why do we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information?
In general, we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:
to provide health services to you
to communicate with you in relation to the health service being provided to you.
to comply with our legal obligations, including, but not limited to, mandatory notification of communicable diseases or mandatory reporting under applicable child protection legislation.
to help us manage our accounts and administrative services, including billing, arrangements with health funds, pursuing unpaid accounts, management of our ITC systems
for consultations with other doctors and allied health professional involved in your healthcare;
to obtain, analyse and discuss test results from diagnostic and pathology laboratories
for identification and insurance claiming
If you have a My Health Record, to upload your personal information to, and download your personal information from, the My Health Record system.
Information can also be disclosed through an electronic transfer of prescriptions service.
To liaise with your health fund, government and regulatory bodies such as Medicare, the Department of Veteran's Affairs and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) (if you make a privacy complaint to the OAIC), as necessary.
5. How can you access and correct your personal information?
You have a right to seek access to, and correction of the personal information which we hold about you. There is a fee attached to accessing this information- $400 to prepare the information and $400 per hour for additional consultation in discussion of the respective clinical material.
For details on how to access and correct your health record, please contact our practice as noted below under ‘Contact Details’.
We will normally respond to your request within 30 days.
6. How do we hold your personal information?
Our staff are trained and required to respect and protect your privacy. We take reasonable steps to protect information held from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This includes:
Holding your information on an encrypted database
Holding your encrypted information in secure cloud storage by the medical software provider Xestro.
Holding your information in a locked safe
Our staff sign confidentiality agreements
Our practice has document retention and destruction policies]
7. Privacy related questions and complaints
If you have any questions about privacy-related issues or wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or the handling of your personal information by us, you may lodge your complaint in writing to (see below for details). We will normally respond to your request within 30 days.
If you are dissatisfied with our response, you may refer the matter to the OAIC:
Phone: 1300 363 992
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au
Fax: +61 2 9284 9666
Post: GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Website: https://www.oaic.gov.au/individuals/how-do-i-make-a-privacy-complaint
8. Anonymity and pseudonyms
The Privacy Act provides that individuals must have the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with our practice, except in certain circumstances, such as where it is impracticable for us to deal with you if you have not identified yourself. That having been said, pseudonyms are inherently problematic in psychotherapy but will also render seeking a Medicare benefit impracticable.
9. Overseas disclosure.
We may disclose your personal information to the following overseas recipients:
any practice or individual who assists us in providing services (such as where you have come from overseas and had your health record transferred from overseas or have treatment continuing from an overseas provider)
overseas transcription services whereby de-identified dictation is used.
anyone else to whom you authorise us to disclose it
10. Updates to this Policy
This Policy will be reviewed from time to time to take account of new laws and technology, changes to our operations and other necessary developments. Updates will be publicised on the practice's website.
A notification of the updates to the policy will be displayed at our reception desk.
11. Privacy and websites
We may also collect personal information via the practice's website or when you contact us by email. This practice does not collect website analytics, cookies, etc., however your details may be collected by the relevant search engine (E.g., Google or Bing etc.) Our practice's website is operated by practice staff and does not have links to social media, neither does it allow for appointments to made online.
12. Contact details for privacy related issues
Dr Cathryn Alexander,
[1] See: https://myhealthrecord.gov.au/internet/mhr/publishing.nsf/content/home
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